Let’s share our December gateway

This month, we invite you to discover the Chapelle
des Pénitents in Grimaud in the Var (83310)

This magnificent chapel, built at the end of the 15th century, has existed for over 500 years.
Dedicated to Notre-Dame du Coulet, the Chapelle des Pénitents marks one of the entrances to the village.
Its construction date (1482) is engraved in Roman numerals on the door lintel (M. CCCC. LXXXII, the 8 is a punctuation mark).
In order to enlarge the interior space of the chapel, the original porch will be blocked.
It becomes the headquarters of the congregation of the White Penitents, who provided assistance to the poor.
Inside, there is a 17th century altarpiece and its Pietà by Paul-Émile Barberi, painted in 1808, as well as the relics of Saint Theodore and various statues, including that of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows.
In the south-east corner, an engraved stone bears the inscription in Gothic characters: “Monseigneur de Fréjus donna 40 jours de pardon”.

Every year, the Chapelle des Pénitents hosts the musical evenings of Grimaud.
A great musical moment to share in the heart of this Grimaud monument.

Photos HJLepetit (click on the image to enlarge it)