2024sam07sep10:00sam17:00ASSOCIATIONS FORUM EUGÈNE MOULIN GYMNASE IN MÉZIDON VALLÉE D’AUGEWe'll be there !10:00 – 17:00(GMT+02:00) Municipalité de Mézidon Vallée d'Auge

Détail de l’événement

It is with great pleasure that we responded to the invitation from the municipality of Mézidon Vallée d’Auge to participate in the 7th Forum of Associations which will take place on Saturday September 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Gymnase Eugène Moulin.

This meeting is important for us, as it gives us the opportunity to come and meet you, to share our projects with you, to tell you our commitment to preserving our heritage, to introduce you to our chapel, so close to home. you and whose existence you may not know.

This year, for this 7th Forum of Associations, we will particularly emphasize the heritage represented by the chapel of Saint-Maclou, the reasons for our association to safeguard it; our desire to make it a place of meeting, exchange and culture, to allow you its accessibility in all circumstances !

So, we are waiting for you at the Eugène Moulin gymnasium on September 7…

Les Amis de la Chapelle de Saint-Maclou


Municipalité de Mézidon Vallée d'Auge