A VISION 2024/2034

We have the ambition to produce a ten-year project which will consider all the renovations and restorations
of the Chapel of Saint-Maclou.
This project will report, by year, the nature of the work to be financed and carried out until 2034.
Our objective is to envisage by this deadline, our chapel having regained the splendor of its early youth.
This ten-year project will have commitment value on our part, for potential investors, donors, patrons and others…
It will bring the vision of a structured approach, measured and sequenced, which everyone will be able to evaluate in complete transparency.
We hope be persuasive!
– Give Back gives this chapel its former splendor
– Renovate its old stones and maintain its roof
– Restore its woodwork, the canvases of its altars, its wall paintings and its statuary
– Save this iconic place of yours!
When this ten-year project is formalized, it will be accessible to all and will be published on this site, it will then be downloadable
in its entirety.