Exterior Restorations

North West Pillar

Base of the N-W pillar before restoration
Restored North-West Pillar

Removal of cement at the bottom of the south wall and the buttresses of the sacristy then joined with lime.

South wall and base

Basement before restoration
Basement after restoration

Sacristy base

Sacristy base before restoration
Restored base
Restored base

North Wall

Same care on the north wall.

Toiture avant
North wall before restoration
North wall of the choir
North wall of the choir


Choir roof and gable between nave and choir

Avant travaux
Before restoration
After restauration

Romanesque door

Restoration of the column of the Roman portal

Portail avant
Portal before restoration
La porte romane restaurée
The restored Romanesque door


Gutter and manholes around the church

Caniveau nord
North gutter completed
Egout pilier sud
Gutter at the southern bend and sewer grate

West facade

Coating of the west facade
