
2024fevIN THE HEART OF WINTERWhen nature goes to sleep...Au mois (Février)(GMT+01:00) Chapelle de Saint-Maclou

Détail de l'événement

After the end-of-year celebrations, February is the month of reflection, and that for the Chapel of Saint -Maclou to settle down in the heart of winter.
It is for the members of the office of our association, the moment of take stock of the past year, and reflect on the prospects which will be available to us in 2024.
However, three priorities will begin to keep us busy in the short term:
1 / Finalize the development of our communication before the sunny days,
2 / Start to write our big project (2024/2034) restoration of the chapel for a presentation to the municipality of Mézidon-Vallée- d'Auge around Easter,
3 / Organize the launch of our 2024 membership campaign : the objective being to end 2024 with 200 members, it only we miss it 32 !

Left image: Photo by Christopher Clegg - January 2024