Category Archives: Non classé

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We visited the Saint-Germain church in Argentan

The church takes its name from Saint-Germain, bishop of Auxerre, who passed to Argentan
around 435.
Its construction began in the 15th century and was completed in the 18th century,
resulting in a mixture of architectural styles.
It thus presents to the north a majestic porch which dates from the 15th century,
a Gothic nave and transept and a Renaissance apse.
The lantern tower, integrated into the main building, rises above the transept crossing. 
It is characteristic of large “Norman-style” churches.
The building has been classified as a historic monument in 1886 and 1889.

The Saint-Germain church in Argentan – Photos HJLepetit (click on the image to enlarge it)

Commemoration of May 8, 1945

May 8, 1945 at the chapel of Saint-Maclou


(Click on the picture to enlarge)
(Click on the picture to enlarge)

This May 8, 2024, from 10:00 a.m., on the occasion of the ceremony commemorating the victory of 1945, the doors of the chapel were open.
The people and personalities present during this ceremony appreciated being able to access the interior of the chapel and for some, it was the first time!Documentation on this 11th century chapel was available to our day visitors.

Everyone’s satisfaction encourages us to renew this initiative.

Let’s share our escapades!

We visited the Basilica di Santa Caterina di Alessandria in Galatina

Saint Catherine’s Basilica is located in Galatina in the region of Apulia in Italy south.
From Romanesque-Gothic style, it represents one of the most beautiful artistic
jewels of Salento
It was built between 1384 and 1391 by Count Raimondello Orsini-Del Balzo following his
triumphant return from the Holy Land, from where he brought back a relic of Saint Catherine.
His wife Marie d’Enghien had the walls and vaults completely covered with a sumptuous cycle of frescoes, for which she made call for artists from different regions of Italy,
from the Giottesque and Sienese schools.

The facade is embellished by a very detailed rose window and by a main portal whose archivolts show astonishing animal and plant decoration.
Inside, we will notice the scale of the volumes and the large ribbed vaults.
The fresco cycle consists of approximately 150 scenes.

The Basilica di Santa Caterina di Alessandria – Photos HJLepetit (click on the image to enlarge it)