History 2006-2007

Reminder: Creation decided on the 23rd July 2005, on the occasion of a wedding in the family of Mrs. Gabriel Duriez. Thanks to a collection, the association has €260 to begin its action: safeguarding the old parish church of St-Maclou, a commune merged in 1837 with Ste-Marie-aux-Anglais then in 2001 with Le Mesnil-Mauger. In September,declaration in the Sub-Prefecture of Lisieux.> > > September 24, publication in the OFFICIAL JOURNAL.

January 2006, first sending of appeal letters to contribution. In 6 months, 195 membership proposals were sent to local residents, friends and relatives.

April: 1st meetings with:

  • the president of the Notre-Dame-de-Livaye Chapel association, Agnès David,
  • the treasurer of the Friends of the chapel of Saint-Martin-du-Mesnil-Oury, Mr. Taisne,
  • Mr. Christian Niay, former mayor of Ste-Marie-aux-Anglais, (will become a valuable support)
  • a mason (quotation of €5,577 to repair the N-W buttress, the column on the side of the Roman door, north side of the choir and the bottom of the sacristy wall,
  • Mr. Jean-Pierre Lormelet, mayor of the town (welcome, tells us of his attachment to the town’s heritage and his desire to help us).


  • delivery of a file to the Lower Normandy delegation of the HERITAGE FOUNDATION in Alençon. The delegate Sandrine Hinault explains the procedure to us and declares our file eligible,
  • Mr. the Mayor visits the chapel and has a piece of gutter installed to protect the N-W buttress,
  • Visits to 2 deputy mayors / to an opposition municipal councilor / to Ms. Vasse, mayor of Ste-Marie-aux-Anglais until the merger of 2001,
  • the leader of the municipal opposition agrees to visit the chapel,
  • Mr. Philippe Lepetit, former director of the Fromagerie bought by Lactalis, agrees to support us with his relatives and the new shareholder, (the large factory adjoins the chapel),
  • 2 roofers help us voluntarily: Mr. Desmézières replaces tiles and Mr. Jalabert goes up to see if, as the municipality fears, the bell has fallen on the rotten floor of the bell tower; phew! it’s just the clapper. The chapel can once again be open to visitors in complete safety!
  • Mrs Chandezon-Lepetit and Vasse provide us with 2 descriptions of the chapel in the books of Arcisse de Caumont, Statistique Monumentale du Calvados (1867) and by Jacques Lalubie, Hiking and Heritage in Pays d’Auge (1987).
  • in the editorial of the municipal bulletin where our membership proposal appears, the Mayor recalls the commitment made by his team: to do everything possible to preserve the important heritage of the municipality: 6 churches, 5 cemeteries and 4 town halls.


  • The delegate from the Heritage Foundation visits the chapel in the presence of 3 deputy mayors and judges the chapel interesting and the site remarkable. She explains: the Foundation doubles the donations received up to 20% of the work to the municipality, the project owner, can request help from the General Council,
  • The president of CULTUAL HERITAGE AND SACRED ART in Calvados, associ. diocesan working with the General Council, comes to visit the chapel in the presence of the Mayor and Ch. Niay who invited the press, which will earn us good articles. Ms. Lévêque undertakes to return in 2007 with her team for a complete and detailed inventory of everything in the chapel.
  • Mr. Lepetit introduces us to Mr. Cambefort, director of the Fromagerie Lepetit, who visits the chapel, sees the stained glass windows offered by Mrs. Henri Lepetit and the funerary monuments of the family,
  • with Mr. Lambert, the mayor and his wife, visit to the N.D. chapel in Livaye, well restored thanks to the association created by Agnès David and with the help of the Prima family (Schlumberger),
  • D.-V. with the CEO of a company in the town which is a member of the association,
  • Mr. the Mayor tells us by mail the position of the municipal council:

+ he approves and supports our private initiative,

+ he is responsible for 6 churches which it is becoming difficult to maintain, especially since the creation of the Community of Communes which has considerably reduced its budget,

+ he has already decided to restore the interior of the Mesnil-Mauger church (waterproof paints), where worship is regularly practiced, and the exterior of the Ecajeul church (gutters),

+ it does not have financial possibilities for other places of worship in 2006 and 2007. In the immediate future, it cannot therefore assure us of its financial participation over these 2 years

+ the chapel belongs to the municipality, all work must be carried out with its agreement.


  • visit of the chapel by an approved Bâtiments de France architect, recommended by the Heritage Foundation, who will send us: estimate of the work and offer of services,
  • Father Chanu, parish priest, who covers 16 communes, supports us and strongly encourages us to open the chapel on the days of visits to the cemetery (All Saints’ Day and Palm Sundays),
  • in Ecajeul, Cult Heritage and Sacred Art takes charge of numerous church ornaments which were deteriorating and carries out an exhaustive inventory of the church

> > > at the end of October, revenues (memberships) amounted to €2,452 for €398 in expenses (Official Journal, stamps, envelopes, photocopies, photos, binders).


  • thanks to a member of the board of directors and the kindness of a neighbor, installation of removable lighting,
  • opening of the chapel during All Saints’ Day for families who have a loved one in the cemetery,
  • 1st General Assembly of the association, in the presence of 33 people, with 90 powers this gives 70% present or represented. Some having brought neighbors and friends, new memberships were recorded > 177 members. Thirteen people are elected members of the C. A. Visit to the chapel.


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February 2007:

  • in Alençon, the delegate of the Heritage Foundation, gives us the draft agreement to be signed by the Mayor and ourselves,
  • the constituency deputy, Mr. Leteurtre, supports our project and promises aid if he is re-elected,
  • 1st Board of Directors: Creation of commissions: Works, Activities, Patronage, Press, Internet / Waiver of the architect (too expensive) / No request for registration with the I.S.M.H. / Contribution: €10 per person, €15 per couple / Office (president: Patrick Truffaut, treasurer: Marielle Lesaulnier, secretary: Christian Niay,).


  • signing by the Mayor and ourselves of the agreement with the Heritage Foundation,
  • reception of 18 volunteer experts from CULTUAL HERITAGE AND SACRED ART. Everything in the chapel is inventoried, measured, photographed and annotated, we will receive this inventory on CD-Rom,
  • on Palm Sunday, opening of the chapel for families coming to the cemetery.


  • gracious visit from a senior official of Historical Monuments who gives us advice and advice and thinks that if St-Maclou does not date from the end of the 11th century, it dates back to the beginning of the 12th century,
  • prayer vigil to Mary, organized by the Parish (1st celebration in 6 years).

June: interview on France Bleu Basse-Normandie (Chronique Patrimoine)


  • The priest supports with the Bishop our concert project on the evening of November 3 after the A. G.,
  • the 15th: opening to visitors as part of the Paths of Sacred Art in Pays d’Auge.


  • new opening for the Sacred Art Paths: 17 visitors,
  • verification of the cost of masonry and stone cutting work: 2006 price maintained by the craftsman despite the deterioration over the past year because part will be carried out by our volunteers, in conjunction with him,
  • various interviews (including 4 elected officials and the director of the Fromagerie: possible assistance postponed to 2008 and reporting to the technical director of the group in Laval),
  • visit to the mayor of a town and the president of the association who helped him restore their two churches,
  • visit to the Heritage department of the General Council, he agrees to receive a subsidy request but, in the new context, the decision could be delayed and the subsidy will be limited to 30%,
  • 1er project carried out by our volunteers under the direction of J.P. Pierson (Works commission) to reduce chronic humidity at the bottom of the walls and its effects:
    + removal of cement throughout along the bottom of the south wall to evacuate humidity
    + ventilation through the base of the bell tower (installation of a mesh hatch)
    + treatment of benches, stalls and altars with Xylophene insects and mushrooms.


  • interview with the Heritage Foundation in Alençon, details on the procedures to follow,
  • thanks to Mr. Aubey, president of the community of communes, general councilor, visit to the chapel by Mr. Pain, head of the Heritage department at the General Council. Mr. Pain sends Mr. Lormelet a letter with his advice and recommendations for exterior work and sends us a copy,
  • on All Saints’ Day, opening of the chapel for families coming to the cemetery. We feel more and more to what extent this chapel relates to the personal lives of these people,
  • Mr. Gaudois, new director of the Fromagerie comes to visit the chapel, he shows himself attached to it,
  • Board of Directors: 3 new members, Mrs. Amouroux (widow of the historian), Sion (née Lepetit, replaces Philippe to represent their family), from Oosthove (lives under the chapel) / project to modify the statutes / discussions on the work to be carried out and possible activities / junior contribution: €5 / J.-P. Pierson elected vice-president,
  • 2nd AGM of the association, in the presence of 30 people, with 83 powers, this gives 76% present or represented. The invitations sent brought 32 new memberships. Unanimous votes on the moral and financial reports, a slight modification of the statutes (allowing us to be better assured) and ratification of the new Board of Directors (15 members),
  • concert by the Livarot choir: “La vie qui chante” in the church of Mesnil-Mauger in front of nearly a hundred delighted and generous people (€473 raised during the intermission),
  • sharing of cakes and drinks prepared and served by volunteers to singers and listeners: friendly and relaxed atmosphere, no speeches, we get to know each other.

> > > end of November: 165 members, the momentum of the first year has been maintained,

> > > In this 1st year of collecting donations via the Heritage Foundation, we received €3,223. The Foundation doubles the amount of donations received to finance work but within the limit of 20% of these. If we did a single phase of work, it would therefore have to reach €16,000 financed 20% by our donations and 20% by the Foundation and we would have to find 60% from co-financiers (example: 30% General Council, 15% Assembly National, 15% private partners).